
Clarify Simplify Resolve Technology Concepts Incorporated

Where is your business at now? What are you trying to accomplish? What would be the best outcome? Answering these questions prepares the way for a good map to success.

Internet Tech Consulting

Information technology (IT) is the use of computers to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data or information. This very broad definition also relates our services. The missing of CSRTech is to help clients understand what can be done with information technologies to bring about the realization of their business model.

Web Security

Security is the last thing considered when setting up any kind of online presence. It should be the first thing considered. Security is not automatic. It must be maintained and managed. Servers, websites, and content management systems are all susceptible to new exploits. And many are susceptible to old exploits due to the lack of a good security policy.


Open source software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or app. CSRTech can add any custom features needed to make a website more that a brochure. We can install, setup, and maintain a WordPress based site. Keep it secure. Ensure all the best practices are followed. No compromise.

Content Management Systems

A content management system (CMS) is software used to manage the creation and modification of digital content. A CMS typically used for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM). What does all that really mean? It means a fancy piece of software that helps you build and manage an online presence, service, business, or internet base website.


cPanel is a web hosting control panel and is part of a software suite called cPanel & WHM. WHM (Web Host Manager) provides capabilities for administrators, resellers, and end-user website owners to control the various aspects of website and server administration through a standard web browser using a three-tier structure


Sometime an existing CSM, forum, or other online software system just cannot quite do what you want. CSRTech can implement the custom code to make exiting software do whatever you need. Or create something entirely new from scratch.

#1.0 – Clarify

Start by working with clients to create a clear map of where they are at, where they want to be, and how CSRTech will provide a solution.

#2.0 – Simplify

CSRTech will work hard to remove the extra overhead, complexity, and confusion. Build clean and understandable solutions for our clients.

#3.0 – Resolve

Get the job done. Write the code, test the code, implement the code. Solve the problem. Enjoy the results.