
CSRTech Licensing Agreement

CSRTech Software Licensing v1.0


The term “CSRTech” means “CSRTech Inc.”, “”, or “Ray W. Johnson”. CSRTech® is a registered trademark of CSRTech Inc.

The terms “The software”, “Software”, ‘the software”, and “software” mean any code (plugin, theme, custom code) written by CSRTech.

The term “full access” means the ability to upload and test software installation. This can include one or more of the following: FTP/SFTP, SSH, Admin Control Panel, or similar login that allows file upload access.

CSRTech retains all copyrights to any software created by CSRTech. All CSRTech software is automatically licensed when created.

Software Licensing

  • The software must be installed by CSRTech.
  • The software can only be used on a single domain.
  • The software is not transferable.
  • CSRTech retains ownership of the software.
  • CSRTech must be notified, in advance, of any intended or requested changes to the software or installation location.
  • Changes to the domain where any CSRTech software is installed, can be authorized by CSRTech. Authorization is required prior to any changes.
  • CSRTech must have Administrator access to the site where the software is install. Otherwise the software must be removed.


In the case of software derived from other developers work, only the modifications made by CSRTech are effected by this license. CSRTech makes no claim of ownership/licensing for the original developers work or code, that derived CSRTech software, may be based on.

CSRTech will provide bug fixes and minimal support for software for a minimum of 1 year after install. As long as CSRTech has full access to the site where the software is installed. “Minimal support” is at the discretion of CSRTech only. Continued or extra support will be implemented by a support contract.

Modifications to these licensing terms can altered by contract, on a case by case basis, and such modifications only effect code and domain designated by the contract.

This license can be altered by CSRTech an any time. Any changes to the license effect new installations of software. Previous installations of CSRTech software are effected only if the licensee agrees, otherwise those software installs continue to be licensed under the license agreement they were installed under.

License Version 1.0 – May 8, 2021